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emsys Direct Marketers‘ Day

Third Direct Marketers‘ Day

70 experts from the energy sector exchange ideas at emsys

This year's invitation to the third emsys Direct Marketers' Day was again well received by the industry. Around 70 experts from the energy industry gathered at the company's headquarters in Oldenburg on 11 and 12 June 2024 for a packed program of presentations on balancing power, redispatch, reactive power and forecasting.

Our colleague Timo Buschmann provided information on the topic of balancing power, focusing on prequalification processes and balancing power from wind and batteries. He also discussed the status quo of hybrid parks, which will play an increasingly important role in the energy landscape in the future.

As part of the redispatch session, Managing Director Jan Rosenkranz presented emsys grid services and our grid platform. While Dr. Andreas Cronenberg from consentec gave an outlook on the further development of redispatch 2.0, Stefan Börries from EWE Netz shed light on the current status of redispatch from the grid operator's perspective.

Our guest Stefan Häselbarth spoke about future grid services and the associated optimization and marketing of reactive power.

Our forecasting experts Anika Beer and Björn Witha reported on new developments in forecasting including the importance of situational awareness reports for accurate forecasts. In addition, the guests were given insights into the processes of plant connection and explained the impact of current market requirements on the Virtual Power Plant.

In addition to the valuable professional exchange on new trends and developments, this Direct Marketers' Day again served as an opportunity to network and delve deeper into the issues raised during the evening get-together with a barbecue and cocktails.

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